nicole tremaglio

nicole tremaglio

I'm a brand strategist and cultural theorist who explores how pop culture, media, and technology impact individual and collective identity.

My favorite research topics include digital anthropology, the diffusion of innovations, compensatory consumption, aesthetic labor and AI, media ephemerality and memory, parasocial relationships, and the fandom economy.

My distinct POV on cyclical trends, consumer behavior, and fashion theory is informed by my education and professional background in communications and retail transformation at major fashion brands.

On Nicstalgia, we have deep conversations about superficial things. Learn more here, watch on YouTube, and listen wherever you enjoy podcasts.

I never stop talking about...

The Nicstalgia Xanga blog weekly newsletter includes deep dives and esoteric musings about pop culture, music, and the internet, with a nostalgic twist. Learn more here, and sign up here.

Social Media Ruins Everything at the SIXPOSIUM, 13101401 Inc.

Music Moots™, I Enjoy Music
We Are All Cady Herons, WORLD OF ESO

Celebrity Complex, Boys Club Zine
Wallet TMZ, Boys Club Zine
Nostalgia vs. Nowstalgia, and Why Both Matter, Medium
Party Like It's 1999, Flique Editorial

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